Tuesday 13 November 2012


This blog will basically channel my thoughts about my experiences in recognizing a twin soul and also a near twin. I started this because it's difficult to find people who will listen to you without them thinking that you're insane or crazy, it's easy to judge people because they haven't experienced what someone else has experience. 

Basically, a twin flame is the other half of your soul, you mirror each other or your complete opposite. Base from my research, you will meet your twin flame in your last reincarnations on earth. The first 11 lifetimes will be like a Romeo and Juliet story where there will always be a hindrance to your physical joining. The last 12th lifetime is the last lifetime where the two of you has passed the challenges, you are ready to join for some mission/purpose together on earth. After that the two of you will join the Creator to never return to earth and journey to other worlds/universe for some purpose also.

Even before I met my twin soul, I will have vivid dreams of past lifetimes and there is always a girl on my dream, I recognized her thru her eyes and features because it's the same. That's her real soul image, the image of my other half. Before anything else, I am a lesbian, and ever since I was young, I can feel that I'm attracted to girls, and Í can feel that my soul's basic gender is male. In my past life dreams, I'm always a male, good looking, same features  also this lifetime, the eyes is the same. Eyes will not change because it's the window of the soul. 

I will continue this blog to tell my journey...

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